
我的梦想 ・ 向着梦想

My dream ・ Heading for the dream

河野 理恵子   Kouno Rieko 野尻 志づ   Nojiri Shizu

上了年纪的现在 体会到能打篮球的喜悦

游泳 草裙舞
脂肪再见   对柴油桶身材再见的挑战是我的奥林匹克

It is happy that I can run!
It has been one year since I had an operation on my left knee.
I feel very happy that I can play basketball in this age.

Swimming   Hula
Good-bye fat    The challenge to say bye-bye to plump shape is my Olympics.

堀内 むつみ   Horiuchi Mutsumi 柳田 保子  Yanagida Yasuko

今年我要争取游泳 2 级合格

孙儿的梦想   什么时候能参加奥运会   就算是遥远的梦想也为之努力吧

Passing Level 2 in swimming this year is my goal.

My grandchild's dream     Competing in the Olympic Games one day   
Even it is a hard to reach dream, please just keep on trying.

関口 陽子  Sekiguchi Youko 岡部 沙知子   Okabe Sachiko


大家期待的残疾人奥运会的参赛入场券 总算用一只手争接到了
差不多快能用两只手了接了 信自己 加油 妈妈在为你祈祷

I'll work hard in order to become a hula instructor.

The ticket for competition in the Paralympics, which is goal for many people, is in one of your hands.
You can almost accept it by two hands. Believe in yourself! Mum is praying for you!

田和 瑞紗   Tawa Mizusa 鈴木 胡桃   Suzuki Kocho 矢島 翔太   Yajima Shota


想成为一名厨师 像奥运会那样能让人感动的厨师


I'll work hard to become a police officer.

I want to become a cook who can move others like the Olympics can.

I'll work hard on studying the operation of division .

おがさわら ひな   Ogasawara Hina 居野家 康平   Inoya Kohei

虽然怕水 但我会努力的   只要努力就不用担心


I am afraid of water, but I will try. Come on, if you work hard, it will be ok!

I want to be a gymnast, too.

吉野 聡一郎  Yoshino Soichiro 宮澤 和可奈   Miyazawa Wakana

发球怎么也发不好 有的时候也会让教练很生气 但是我还是很喜欢网球

运动员选手们 向着新纪录 加油吧

I always serve bad, and sometimes the coach was angry with my playing, but tennis is interesting and I like it.

I am working hard on training the unicycle now.
Please aim at new records, and do your best, athletes!