
我的金牌 ~如金牌一般珍贵的东西~

My Gold Medal ~one thing that is as precious as a gold medal~

三原 勝代   Mihara Katsuyo

给母亲的金牌 今年三月八十八高寿的母亲 仍然努力干农活的母亲 七年以上没生过病的母亲 带着感谢之情给母亲送上金牌

The gold medal to my mother.
My mother, 88 years old from this March, working hard on farm work, hasn't gotten sick for over 7 years.
Give the gold medal to you with my appreciation.

阿部 美恵子   Abe Mieko

在奥运年生的宝宝 我可爱的小金牌

The baby who was born in Olympic year (is) my lovely gold medal.

岩本 一子   Iwamoto Kazuko

感动时画下的一封画信 对我来说就是金牌 让心都发光的金牌

The Etegami I drew when I was moving is my gold medal. It makes (my) heart shine.

中出 治美   Nakaide Harumi

鞋子先生 谢谢你的一路陪伴 我们登上了万里长城 我们走过冰河 我们散步于阿尔卑斯山 还骑了大象
接下去的旅程 我要请你继续作陪   我的健康和朝气应该得奖牌 我把金牌送给你做礼物  

To Mr. Shoes
Thank you for your always accompanying on my journey. We visited the Great Wall, walked on a glacier, strolled the Alps, and rode an elephant.
Please continue to be with me. I deserve medals for my vigor, and I should give the gold medal for you as a present.  

赤沼 和子   Akanuma Kazuko



For me, the gold medal is the sentence “thank you” from my mother who is suffering serious aged dementia.

斉藤 成美   Saitou Narumi


The beautiful nature is our gold medal.

阪田 智之   Sakata Tomoyuki

对我而言,和金牌一样宝贝的是弟弟。 我还没有什么特别喜欢的体育项目,但是我想我以后会找到的。 运动员们,请努力争取金牌吧!

To me, my brother is as important as the gold medal.
I don't have favorite sports currently, but I think I will eventually find some.
Hey athletes, please take the gold medals.  

久末 遊 Hisamatus Yu 成子 明花  Naruko Asuka 梅田 明佳  Umeda   Aksuka

对我来说像金牌一样重要的东西 是锹形甲虫

对日本人来说 饭是最重要的


My precious thing like the gold medal is the stag beetle.

To Japanese, meal (rice) is the most important.

Give the gold medal to my mother.

喜多 望羽  Kita Miu 福岡 澪  Fukuoka Mio

对我来说像金牌一样珍贵的东西 是爷爷发给我的奖状
暑假在爷爷家 帮着给花儿浇水 打扫走廊 所以爷爷给了我奖状


To me, the precious thing like the gold medal is the awarding certificate issued by my grandfather.
In the summer vacation, I helped watering flowers, cleaning the hallway, so, my grandfather gave the certificate to me.

The ballet shoes are s habby and worn, but they are my gold medals.
I am learning ballet dance. I will keep on trying.