
美丽的花 好漂亮啊

Green Olympic ~treasure our earth~

野中 賢一  Nonaka Kenichi 鈴木 英枝   Suzuki Fusae

拿不到奖牌也没关系 笑容是最珍贵的


Never mind about the medals, smiling is the most precious thing above all.
Giggling as “wa ha ha ”, (we ) make a circle of friendship.

The peace for all mankind is a huge gold medal.

中村 志津子 Nakamura Shizuko 高橋 和枝 Takahashi Kazue 樋口 俊江   Higuchi Toshie

今天在赛场上大家是对手 加油啊

中日的交流 散发着两千年的芬芳


In the game, we are competitors. Come on!
After the game, we become good friends.

The communication between China and Japan is redolent with 2000 years history.

Human are gemstones
Let's exploit our hearts with peaceful willing

中川 節子 Nakagawa Setsuko 平塚 一子 Hiratsuka Kazuko 滝沢 君子  Takizawa Kimiko

如果孩子们的交流能够达到世界规模 那么我想地球一定会和平

奥林匹克 大家从世界各地赶来一起庆祝 多么高兴啊 地球圆圆的 大家的心也会变成圆圆的一个

运动员们的能量 将世界联结为一

People come from all over the world to celebrate the Olympic Games. How exciting!
The earth is perfect round, and we will have round hearts.

The power of athletes can unite the world.

If communications between children become a world-wide one, I am sure we will have peace on our earth.

伊藤 範子  Itou Noriko

北京奥运会马拉松比赛最大的天敌是空气污染   让大家在干净的空气中赛跑吧

The worst enemy of the Marathon in Beijing Olympic Games is air pollution.
Let the runners race in clean air.

三村 純子  Mimura Junko

我唯一的孙女朱莉今年 7 岁
One World One Dream


My only granddaughter, AKARI, is seven years old.
She can definitely have chance to see the Olympics many times.
I pray that there will be no war and no discrimination in the One World One Dream.

田口 沙季   Taguchi Saki


The time I can be with you is the most precious thing to me.
I want to make friends with people from all over the world.

中谷 あい野   Nakatani Aino


We can understand our feeling of one another .

奥山 紗江   Okuyama Sae

用光之球来打网球的话 世界会更明亮

If we use light ball to play tennis, the world will be brighter.

こん ゆいか   Kon Yuika

美丽的花 好漂亮啊

Beautiful flowers          How wonderful they are

若林 和輝   Wakabayashi Kazuteru


May lucky things be with you always.