平和への願い・緑を大切に | |||||||||||||||||||
美丽的花 好漂亮啊 |
Green Olympic ~treasure our earth~ |
野中 賢一 Nonaka Kenichi | 鈴木 英枝 Suzuki Fusae | ||||||||||||||||||
拿不到奖牌也没关系 笑容是最珍贵的 |
人类的和平是一块大大的金牌 |
Never mind about the medals, smiling is the most precious thing above all. |
The peace for all mankind is a huge gold medal. |
中村 志津子 Nakamura Shizuko | 高橋 和枝 Takahashi Kazue | 樋口 俊江 Higuchi Toshie | |||||||||||||||||
今天在赛场上大家是对手 加油啊 |
中日的交流 散发着两千年的芬芳 |
每一个人都是闪闪发光的宝石的矿石 |
In the game, we are competitors. Come on! |
The communication between China and Japan is redolent with 2000 years history. |
Human are gemstones |
中川 節子 Nakagawa Setsuko | 平塚 一子 Hiratsuka Kazuko | 滝沢 君子 Takizawa Kimiko | |||||||||||||||||
如果孩子们的交流能够达到世界规模 那么我想地球一定会和平 |
奥林匹克 大家从世界各地赶来一起庆祝 多么高兴啊 地球圆圆的 大家的心也会变成圆圆的一个 |
运动员们的能量 将世界联结为一 |
People come from all over the world to celebrate the Olympic Games. How exciting! |
The power of athletes can unite the world. |
If communications between children become a world-wide one, I am sure we will have peace on our earth. |
伊藤 範子 Itou Noriko | |||||||||||||||||||
北京奥运会马拉松比赛最大的天敌是空气污染 让大家在干净的空气中赛跑吧 |
The worst enemy of the Marathon in Beijing Olympic Games is air pollution. |
三村 純子 Mimura Junko | |||||||||||||||||||
我唯一的孙女朱莉今年 7 岁 |
子どもたちからの絵手紙 | |||||||||||||||||||
My only granddaughter, AKARI, is seven years old. |
田口 沙季 Taguchi Saki | |||||||||||||||||||
能和大家在一起的这一段时间是我最宝贵的。 |
The time I can be with you is the most precious thing to me. |
中谷 あい野 Nakatani Aino | |||||||||||||||||||
大家的感情能够互通 |
We can understand our feeling of one another . |
奥山 紗江 Okuyama Sae | |||||||||||||||||||
用光之球来打网球的话 世界会更明亮 |
If we use light ball to play tennis, the world will be brighter. |
こん ゆいか Kon Yuika | |||||||||||||||||||
美丽的花 好漂亮啊 |
Beautiful flowers How wonderful they are |
若林 和輝 Wakabayashi Kazuteru | |||||||||||||||||||
希望总能好运连连 |
May lucky things be with you always. |