がんばれ!!北京オリンピック 応援メッセージ  


Cheering Message

中西 徳子  Nakanishi Tokuko 丸太 敦子   Maruta Atsuko

参与本身就有意义( 重在参与)

与我相伴 71 年的这双手

Participating has worthy causes.(Participating is most important.)

The hands, which have been with me for 71 years, are ready to give you the fully applause.

月田 ゆき子   Tsukita Yukiko 槌川 茂雄   Tsuchikawa Shigeo

欢喜的泪水背后 能看到努力的你

竭尽全力才是价值所在 相信自己 自己就是自己

Behind the tears of joy, I (we ) can see you with your hard work.

Making the utmost possible effort is the only thing that counts. Believe in yourself,   and you are yourself.

柳岡 睦子 Yanagioka Mutsuko 岡本 代志子 Okamoto Yoshiko


北京奥运会上 想要去经历很多很多的感动

田辺 亜紀   Tanabe   Aki


After finishing the box lunch named “vigorous Inari”, which I bought at the Utsunomiya Station, I will start to fight.

In Beijing Olympic Games, I want to experience a lot of impression.

Don't mind.

新 和子   Arata Kazuko 白木 大空   Shiraki Sora 佐々木 和恵   Sasaki Kazue

与圣火一起登上珠穆朗玛的顶峰   加油啊 奥运选手们

你们(运动员们)也多吃一些 努力比赛啊!

努力的结晶 现在 结果子了 加油啊

Reach the top of Mount Everest with the Olympic flame.   Let's go, dear Olympic athletes!

I ate six croquettes.
Please eat a lot, too, and do your best in the competitions, athletes!

As a result of your effort, the fruits are born now. Do your best!

松尾 ちゑ子   Matsuo Chieko 久保 節子   Kubo Setsuko
平林 喜美子  Hirabayashi Kimiko

在体育运动和和平的盛会到来之际 我从遥远的日本为大家的竞技加油

有了食品安全宣言就放心了 在北京大显身手吧 日本加油!

日本的骄傲 像纳豆一样粘的顽强精神   加油

In this moment of the sports and peaceful festival, I'll cheer for your activity from the faraway Japan.

The Declaration of Safe Food relieved us. Do your stuff in Beijing! Come on, Japan!

Like the natto (fermented soybeans)'s stickiness, the indomitable spirit is the pride of Japan.

新居 益子  Arai Masuko 松嵜 紀久代  Mtsuzaki Kikuyo


你的拼搏精神给大家带来了勇气   谢谢

I want to hear your National Anthems ringing at the Olympics.

Your fighting spirit encouraged us. Thank you!

横山 由利子 Yokoyama Yuriko 原田 旦子  Harada Akiko 斉藤 貞子   Saito Teiko



奔跑的力量 画信的力量 是一样的

Take care!

I hope Olympic Games can continue to keep Baseball as its event. Come on, players!

The power of running and the power of Etegami are the same.

滝 壮一郎   Taki Soichiro 長谷川 眞子  Hasegawa Mako 高島 莉奈   Takashima Rina
日本 足球 赢啦!

即使失败   也请像花儿一样微笑吧


Japan        soccer         victory!

Even if you fail, please smile like a flower.

Nothing for nothing.

田代 かずき  Tashiro Kazuki 植木 健   Ueki Ken 神事 優花   Jinji Yuka




in good condition

Be careful not to get injured.

People who worked hard
Give everybody the sunflower medal.

別府 魁人   Beppu Kaito 山口 諒   Yamaguchi Ryo


我去年还不会游泳 但是今年经过练习 能游 25 米了
运动员们 请你们也加油啊 !

Run like the wind.

I didn't know how to swim last year, but after training, I can swim 25 meters now.
Dear athletes, come on!

渡辺 彩  Watanabe Aya おの ももえ   Ono Momoe

给我们以大大的感动吧 我想那感动一定能使世界合一

只要有“再加一把劲”的意识 你的将来一定会不同

Please make deeply touch on us. I think that feeling can unite the world.

As long as you have the willing , “put a little more effort into it”, your future will be different.

速水 美咲   Hayami Misaki 黒田 直子   Kuroda Naoko

看 幸福的紫苜蓿正在等你呢


Don't quit until it comes to the very end.

Look, the happy clover is waiting for you.

郡司 麻莉子   Gunji Mariko


It's also very important to set aside time for relaxation.

西岡 寛明   Nishioka   Hiroaki


Get ahead of the big adversary!

無記名   No Name

世界像梨子一样圆圆的   为能登上顶峰 努力奋斗吧!

The world is round as a pear. Please work hard so that you can stand on the top of the mountain.

阿部 啓太   Abe Keita

不要在意结果 去全力拼搏

Don't mind the result, just do your best.